Kofax TotalAgility - Can KTA 7 or above be installed on the same machine as a Kofax Capture?.Kofax TotalAgility 7.x Designer - Silverlight End of life.Kofax TotalAgility 7.6 Support for Windows Server 2019.Kofax Search and Matching Server (KSMS) integration with Microsoft Azure SQL Server.Is there any dependency or impact on KTA due to Adobe Flash retirement in December 2020.Is Kofax TotalAgility affected by leap year?.Error when applying Fix Pack: Error:Copying the file to patch backup folder - System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.Canon scanner to increment the imprint index successfully using the Scan form.Invoice Processing Agility - Support Quick Links.Accounts Payable Agility - Support Quick Links.APA Product Documentation - User Guides.TotalAgility Product Release Information.Invoice Processing (IP) Agility Product Release Information.Claims Agility Product Release Information.